Massage in Koh Phangan

Massage here in Thailand is basically either Thai massage or oil massage. My personal preference is oil massage because I like the relaxation it offers. That being said, there are times when I’ve had acute back pain and the deep tissue work of a Thai massage fixed me right up.

Many shops also offer facials, food massage, lava rock massage, etc. I usually stick to the oil massage, asking for coconut oil, as that feels better to me. There is also time to consider, most massages go on for an hour and cost around 450 Baht to $15 USD.  I often go for two hours and end up paying 700 Baht or $23. I often tip but that is up to you and how you feel afterwards.

One thing I always look for in a massage shops are beds that have facial holes so my neck isn’t twisted throughout the massage.

As I said, there are many good massage shops on Koh Phangan, some of my favorites are:

Revive,  Sri Thanu,

Kanda Massage, Thong Sala,

Pure Relax Spa, Thong Sala,

Angila Health Massage, Chaluklum,

Santhiya Spa, Thom tai Pan Noi, Upscale,